Re: -froot??? (AIX rlogin bug)

DFRussell (
Mon, 1 Aug 1994 08:37:51 -0400

| (Eric Wedaa) writes:
|> Someone over on the firewalls mailing list just threw out this tidbit:
|>    rlogin aix.machine -l -froot
|> For instance:
|>    rlogin foobar -l -froot
|> This gives you root access on any AIX 3.2.X machine.
|> Does anyone have any history on this trapdoor?  Apparently
|> it also existed in Linux several generations ago.
|That's a bit old, and I believe IBM has at least an "unofficial" fix for
|it now.  

This was patched quite some time ago...

The APAR # is IX44254 -- it is available through "fixdist" via

|I run some Linux systems, and I haven't seen the problem in any of the
|Linux 1.x releases.
|# Baba Z Buehler
|# Beckman Institute Systems Services, Urbana Illinois
|#  "How come that big box of bright ideas you sent
|#   me is the one they say fell off the truck?"  -- Butch Hancock
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